More on MEWP
In 2019, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) issued two new versions of the National Safety Standards for Aerial Work Platforms (A92.22 and A92.24). This has caused considerable confusion for our clients as to how these new standards affected their internal employee training program and the current OVERTON Safety Training Aerial Work Platform materials and curriculum which they were utilizing. With this in mind, we are providing information to assist our clients in understanding these new standards, how it will affect the employer’s responsibilities, and details on the new Mobile Elevated Work Platform Training program and curriculum.
Intent: ANSI/SAIA was combining requirements for similar equipment configurations and applications and replacing the existing ANSI/SAIA A92.3, A92.5, A92.6, A92.8 Standards for Aerial Work Platforms. (Note that A92.2 Vehicle Mounted Platforms was not included or changed).
New Standards: Equipment Title Change: New terminology and titles for the affected equipment types are now call Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs). This terminology is replacing all exiting ANSI classification terminology. The two new standards are: A92.22 (Safe Use of MEWPs) and A92.24 (Training Requirements and Responsibilities for MEWPs)
Effective Date: The effective date for these two new A92 standards was initially December 1, 2019. However due to issues brought to light, the effective date has been delayed to June 1, 2020.
Type Changes: Equipment is now divided into 3 Types with 2 Groups per type. ANSI A92.24 states that training and evaluations for types 2 and 3 can be combined. (Note that A92.2 Vehicle Mounted Platforms was not included or changed).
- Type 1: Can only be traveled with platform stowed.
Group A: Platform cannot extend beyond tipping axis.
Group B: Platform can extend beyond tipping axis.
- Type 2: Can be traveled with platform elevated, can only be operated from controls on the chassis.
Group A: Platform cannot extend beyond tipping axis.
Group B: Platform can extend beyond tipping axis.
- Type 3: Can be traveled with platform elevated, can be operated from controls in the platform.
Group A: Platform cannot extend beyond tipping axis. (scissor lifts)
Group B: Platform can extend beyond tipping axis. (boom lifts)
(NOTE: Type 3 are the most prevalent on job and worksites)

Position and Responsibilities:
- Operators/End Users: There were no significant changes as to the operator/end user being trained and qualified and have similar responsibilities from previous standards.
- Trainers/Evaluators: There were no significant changes as to the trainer/evaluator position being a qualified person and have similar responsibilities from previous standards.
- [NEW] Occupant: A92.24 now requires all occupants in the MEWP (not operating the equipment) receive the required training.
Necessary Changes to our current Aerial Work Platform (AWP) End User Training Materials:
- We have a new Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) training program that replaced our Aerial Work Platform training program.
- The original Aerial Work Platform (AWP) materials do meet the ANSI standards, but we retired it on May 31, 2020.
- We contacted all existing clients to notify them of the new curriculum and changes.
- We are offering another upgrade deal (exp. 6/1/21) to clients who are still currently using our Aerial Work Platform program. Save $150 when you order a MEWP Trainer kit to replace your existing Aerial Work Platform kit. Contact our office to order with the special upgrade price or email verification in our records of a prior train the trainer or purchased trainer kit materials).

[NEW] MEWP’s Supervisor Position and Responsibilities: A92.24 now identifies a new position and requirements for MEWP Supervisor. A person with the qualifications for MEWP Supervisor is required to be on the jobsite or facility whenever MEWPs are being utilized. ANSI A92.24 states specific training and qualification requirements for MEWP Supervisor and are they responsible to monitor and observe MEWP operation on the jobsite or facility and take immediate appropriate action if unsafe or improper use is observed.
OVERTON Safety Training MEWP Supervisor Program: As soon as the new A92.24 Standard becomes effective (June 1 of 2020 or later?) we will offer our clients the following options to assist with meeting the required supervisor training.
- To immediately assist you remotely during the COVID 19 issue, we will soon offer MEWP Supervisor Webinars. For information about these upcoming webinars send us an email to
- Once the COVID 19 issue is over we will offer MEWP Supervisor Workshops via either scheduled open enrollment classes or onsite at client’s location (attendance minimums may apply) within our operating area.
- We will also be offering a “MEWP Supervisor Trainer Media Kit” from our website bookstore for employers to order and self-implement.
Please contact us with any questions at or by phone toll free at (866) 531-0403.